Message from the Head
Dear Parents,
It is great to be writing an introduction to a newsletter after the Covid-enforced break last week. Following the testing of everyone at the Primary school, it is starting to feel like the number of infections in the community is decreasing. Thank you for your cooperation with the testing and the request to only get in touch in an emergency – it was very much appreciated. New Cantonal guidance was published last night for after half term and if the situation continues to ease, we will be able to remove the mask mandate for children at Primary after the holiday and allowed to do overnight camps. I think we can all agree that this is good news for the children! I will write formally nearer the time to confirm the changes.
Whilst we’ve been communicating all things Covid to you, the children have been learning and thriving in lessons, there is fun at break and lunch and they generally have a great time in school. While keeping the community safe, we have been aiming to keep school as normal as possible for your children. I have been dropping into lessons and clubs this week and have seen the smiles and the fun. The Primary student council came to see Ms Fortune and I last week and shared all the great things they have been up to in and out of lessons.
Our eldest students at Secondary have been getting their reports and exam results and are starting to think about next steps, and choosing their A Level courses. This is a very exciting period for them and one we take great care in navigating together with the students and you as their families.
Finally, we were visited by the Good School’s Guide and their report will soon be available on their website (behind a paywall). Please do have a read of their fantastic review of the school when it is uploaded.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Matt Williams
From Ms Fortune, Primary Deputy Head
Primary daily routine reminders

- Arrival at school and Registration
All children must be in their classrooms by 08:30 (09:00 for Nursery) for registration. Teachers will be in their classrooms to greet the children from 08:10.
Any children arriving late (after 08:30, and 09:00 for Nursery) must register at the School Office. This is to ensure that attendance records are correct in case of fire. The building doors will automatically lock at this time and so children must go to the School Office to gain access to their classroom. Whilst we realise that occasional lateness due to unforeseen causes can be unavoidable, children who are regularly brought in late get off to a bad start themselves and may disrupt the rest of the class. The number of late arrivals is officially recorded on our statutory registration database and on each child’s School Report.
- Pick-up notifications
Please communicate any special arrangements or changes made for the collection of children after school to the School Office, and the relevant class teacher, via email before 14:30 (except in emergencies). Any pick-up notifications made after 14:30 must be addressed by phone to the School Office.
- Informing the school of illness
We ask parents to provide a medical certificate from the child’s doctor as of the fourth day of absence from school (excluding for COVID where parents must follow cantonal guidelines), as required by the School’s insurance policies. Thank you in advance for your support with this.
- Car Park Safety
From your teachers
UKMT 25th Anniversary Maths Challenge
Students in Year 6, 7 and 8 took on the 25th Anniversary Maths Challenge on Tuesday this week. This challenge was organised especially to celebrate 25 years of the United Kingdom Maths Trust, so the usual Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates were not awarded, but each student simply received a score out of 25.
The top scores were achieved by Secondary students who have been attending the KS3 Maths Extension Club run by Ms Brewin. Best in School went to Mitra Desai with a magnificent 23 out of 25, followed closely by Griffin Edwards. Jun King and Teddy Zavratsky-Miles shared best in Year 7 and Ben Whitton scored top in Year 6.
Students will have another chance to show off their skills (and earn certificates!) next term in the Junior Maths Challenge, on top of the Swiss Maths Kangaroo in March.
If you enjoy Maths and would like to learn some ideas beyond the school syllabus,
- KS3 Maths Extension Club takes place every Friday lunchtime
- KS4+5 Maths Extension Club takes place every Wednesday after school
You’re welcome to join us!
Secondary Art and Geography outings
Recently our older students from Years 11 and 12 had several opportunities to learn outside of the classroom.
A couple of weeks ago, Year 11 students who have selected Art & Design as a GCSE option, together with all of Year 12 went to the Art Brut Museum in Lausanne, a museum dedicated to ‘outsider’ art – also known as ‘naive art’, usually by self-taught makers. And being in such close vicinity, they couldn’t pass on the opportunity to also see the Van Gogh Experience, which brings to life the paintings of the famous artist with ceiling projections and animations created from and within the original compositions.
Yesterday, Ms Skinner and Mr Crabtree took the Year 11 students to Geneva on a Geography field class investigating urban processes. The trip was designed to support the students’ work for their Geography IGCSE, and enable them to gain a deeper understanding of some of the major urban and environmental issues of the day.