Message from Mr Williams, Head

Dear Parents and Students,
One of the joys of being an all-through school is seeing our students collaborating and learning from each other. A highlight of last term was seeing the youngest Primary students looking up to the Secondary students for their help and support during the house names launch. Having a Secondary school means that we can also share our fabulous facilities across the age groups. This week, Year 2 experienced a real science laboratory when they were welcomed at Secondary – with a little adaptation to the seating arrangements (the stools were just a bit too big!), the children had a wonderful time working with Mr Taylor and Ms Secher. Thank you to everyone involved for such a great morning.
As I am writing, our Secondary Outdoor clubs are getting ready to leave for an overnight stay in the mountains. The weather is going to be clear and bright and the students are very excited to be going snow-shoeing as well as spending the night in a mountain hut. Thanks to the Secondary Outdoor team for giving up their Friday night to lead such a great adventure.
Now, on to some key reminders for next week:
- Next Friday we break up for half term at the normal time: 15:20 at Primary, and 15:30 at Secondary. I realise that it is nice to get a headstart on the traffic or catch that earlier flight home, but please be aware we won’t be authorising absences nor collecting children early from lessons next week. Thank you for your support.
- On Wednesday we have our monthly virtual open events. If you know of families relocating to Geneva, then please point them in our direction! Alice and Lucy will be happy to help with any questions and can be contacted via [email protected].
- During half term, Mr Bradley is running a winter crossfit camp and we still have places available – the schedule is attached below. To sign your children up for a week of fun and exercise please click here.
Finally, we are planning ahead for staffing and classes next year. If, sadly, you and your family are not going to be with us from the summer, a reminder that you need to write to me by midnight on Sunday 23 April. It is always helpful for us to know earlier rather than later if you are moving on, and even if your move is not finalised. I know these things are big decisions, and I very much appreciate your continued collaboration.
Have a great weekend.
Matt Williams
Upcoming Holiday Camps
Winter Outdoor Activities & Crossfit

Get ready for an adventure-filled week in Switzerland!
This February, Mr Bradley and Coach Jeep are leading a camp for children aged 8 to 16 years old. They have packed this week with their favourite activities to ensure a fun-filled experience for all.
Get ready to explore the beauty of Switzerland on snow shoes as you trek through the mountains. Rent equipment on site and let the adventure begin!
Take a break from the snow and enjoy a scenic cycle through the forest.
And if you’re looking for some indoor activities, Mr Bradley and Coach Jeep have got you covered with fun games with a crossfit twist.
This week promises to be full of activities exploring our beautiful region. So don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to have fun and make new friends.
Sign up here today!
De la part des francophones
3ème podcast des ambassadeurs de français

Nos jeunes ambassadeurs de français vous ont préparé un programme d’activités pour les vacances de février.
Ils vous expliquent aussi l’origine de la fête de la Chandeleur célébrée la semaine dernière et vous dévoilent les ingrédients de la recette des crêpes.
Tout le Département de français vous souhaite un bon week-end, et de bonnes vacances!
Article en français

Merci à Vincent (classe 8) pour sa contribution aujourd’hui:
Qu’est-ce qui sent bon à la cantine tous les mardis ? Qu’est ce qu’ils y fabriquent ? C’est le Club de Cuisine en français. Chaque mardi nous faisons de la nourriture différente et c’est toujours délicieux. En faisant la cuisine française, nous parlons en français, nous cuisinons des plats savoureux et après nous les ramenons chez nous pour partager avec nos amis ou nos parents. Il y a de la place pour une nouvelle personne alors si tu es intéressé et libre les mardis tu peux nous rejoindre.
Avec l’aide de Mme Rifflard, tu peux devenir cuisinier et accomplir tes rêves. Si ce n’est pas ton rêve ce n’est pas grave mais au moins tu peux apprendre à cuisiner comme un vrai chef. Pour te donner des exemples, récemment, on a fait: des churros, des galettes et des crêpes, des empanadas etc… Finalement, tu ne cuisines pas ces gourmandises qu’une seule fois parce que tu peux garder la recette et les refaire chez toi !
Primary Reading for February
Monthly Reading challenge

This month in the Primary library we are challenging you to become Storytellers of Fairy tales.
We would like you to read aloud as many well-loved fairy tale stories to others as you can. You might want to tell a story to members of your family, friends, children from a younger class at break times, a pet or even your cuddly toys at home!
Use these ‘Storyteller’s Top Tips` to bring your fairy tale to life!
- Use a clear and loud voice
- Maintain eye contact with your audience
- Use expression in your voice
- Use hand gestures or actions to bring your story to life
- Practice, practice, practice! The more you tell the story, the better storyteller you will become!
We would love to see videos of our storytellers in action so please do share them with [email protected].
The best videos will earn 10 stars for their house and a GES reading challenge certificate. Good luck!
Next Tuesday 14 February: International Book Giving Day

International Book Giving Day is celebrated every year on 14 February all over the world, and filled with generosity, kindness and book love.
At GES Primary we will be selling second hand books for 1 CHF and we invite all children to bring up to CHF 10 should they wish to buy books to give away.
Today at Secondary
News from the Student Council

This lunchtime, a team from Student Council worked together to create small stations of sanitary supplies for each of the girls’ toilets.
Other student council members looked at creating the first ever GES Secondary Yearbook, improving the outside space, and developing student clubs.
The team is looking forward to putting their ideas into action!
Year 7 Basketball

Year 7 have been working hard putting all of their new basketball skills into practice in their end of unit @fiba inspired 3×3 tournament 🏀
Ms Shibil has been incredibly impressed at their ability and enthusiasm towards learning to referee and practicing their leadership. Bravo!