Issue: 28 | Friday 12th May 2023

Message from Mr Williams, Head

Dear Parents,

At the start of this week I attended the annual COBIS conference in London: a global event where Head teachers and senior staff from British International Schools worldwide come together to learn from each other and share good practice. The changing global environment was a key theme, specifically focussing on AI, student wellbeing and sustainability. Frank Gardener, the BBC security correspondent, gave a keynote speech about global security, and there was both excitement, and concern about the benefits and threats of AI in schools.

There is no doubt that AI can be a force for good – we already use Century Tech at Primary, and outside of school many of us use applications such as Duolingo to improve our language skills. There was much discussion between my colleagues from other international schools around the wider curriculum preparing students for the changing world of work. I am looking forward to working with GES staff and students to develop our position on AI, when we feel it is appropriate to use it, and how we continue to ensure our students are equipped with the technical skills they need for the future.

Over the coming weeks there are lots of activities and opportunities for you to come into school to celebrate your children’s achievements. Primary parents will have received a letter from Miss Parker about events this term and the calendar on the website is also up to date. Our Secondary students have already started their exams (or start them on Monday) and all end of term trips and visits have been communicated.

A reminder that next week on Wednesday 17 May, Secondary finishes at 12:00 midday and Primary at 12:20 for our half term break:

  • At Primary, there are no clubs or activities, language academy nor After School Care on Wednesday 17 May.
  • At Secondary, due to the exam timetable, Year 11, 12 and 13 students are already aware that they will need to be in school for their exams on certain days.
  • All students are due back in school on Tuesday 23 May.

The summer holiday is also racing towards us: via the video here you can take a look at which holiday camps are on offer for all age groups.

Have a great weekend,

Matt Williams

Sport and Extra-Curricular

Tournaments and Team selections

Well done to our first GES Year 9 girls’ volleyball team for participating in the SGIS competition at Haut Lac this week. Ms Shibil witnessed some outstanding skills on court and we were very close to winning against International schools from Geneva, Montreux, Zurich and Lucerne.

Exciting times to come for volleyball at GES!

For all upcoming tournaments, we would like to remind parents that you can check the sports website for team selections on a regular basis to keep up to date with what is going on.

To view team selection please click on the little blue figure next to the tournament or match and then enter the password: GESsport! to access this. The students selected for a competition will also have received an email.

Secondary Crossfit

Yesterday the members of the CrossFit after-school club completed one of the most demanding workouts in Crossfit: MURPH

1 mile run, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, 1 mile run.

Mr Le Roy would like to congratulate everyone for their achievement and their attitude during the workout!

Secondary Inter-House Competitions

Compte-rendu du tournoi de Football, par les élèves de classe 12 et 13

L’histoire de ce tournoi est un testament à la dominance de la maison Dôle, et de leur capitaine Karlis. Après avoir gagné deux tournois de suite, il y avait beaucoup d’enthousiasme pendant les premiers matchs. Heureusement, ils ont bien joué, et ils n’ont maintenant besoin que d’un seul point pour pouvoir soulever le trophée – Karlis, membre de Dôle.

Nous avons de grandes aspirations pour le dernier match du tournoi ; on a seulement laissé passer un but dans tous les matches, et ce seul but a été marqué dans des conditions difficiles. On pense que la finale sera dure mais on a besoin de marquer un seul but pour être champions du tournoi par différence de buts. On sait que Dôle a une bonne équipe mais on  peut gagner – Harrison, membre de Rhône.

Léman a bien lutté malgré avoir perdu. Les joueurs ne vont pas laisser la défaite influencer leur moral et ils sont prêts pour les prochaines compétitions surtout celle d’échecs qu’ils espèrent gagner comme ils l’ont fait pour la compétition de maths – Cora, Co-Capitaine de Léman.

Malgré ne pas avoir encore goûté à la victoire, on est confiants qu’on va être premiers à la fin de l’année. On remercie notre équipe de foot, et bien qu’ils soient peu communs on est fiers des buts qu’on a marqués. On est aussi fiers de tous les membres de Jura qui aspirent à l’excellence académique et gagnent toujours des points sur ClassCharts. On sait qu’on a le tournoi d’échecs qui arrive mais on espère que Léman l’emportera sur Dôle – Mimi, Co-Capitaine de Jura.

From the French department

Bonne fête des mères

Ce dimanche 14 mai, nous fêterons la fête des mères en Suisse.

Madame Durey et toute l’équipe du Département de français souhaite une belle journée à toutes les mamans! 

Festival de Bande Dessinée de Lausanne

Cette semaine, nos élèves de 8ème année sont allés explorer le monde créatif de la bande dessinée et du roman graphique au Festival de Bande Dessinée de Lausanne.

Cette expérience leur a permis de rencontrer l’invitée d’honneur, l’auteure et graphiste Pénélope Bagieu, mais aussi de découvrir une nouvelle vague de la littérature francophone.

Les bandes dessinées mélangent de nombreuses compétences artistiques tout en offrant une plateforme accessible pour aborder des thèmes contemporains sérieux. Pour les élèves du secondaire qui manquent de motivation pour lire, les bandes dessinées et les romans graphiques peuvent être un excellent moyen d’encourager la lecture.

A l’issue de cette expérience, Olivia, Siri et Kayula ont créé leur propre page de BD retraçant leur journée à Lausanne.

On weekends and holidays

Skateboarding contest in Versoix

Congratulations to our GES skaters for claiming 1st, 2nd and 3rd place at the best trick contest in Versoix Sports Centre last Saturday!

1st place – Benjie Marshall – Kickflip off the kicker
2nd place – Matt Marshall – Frontside 180 off the kicker
3rd place – Kayula Mwanamwenge – Ghost roll-on the box to drop off

Well deserved – we’re stoked for you!

STEAM Holiday Camp

After last year’s successful STEAM Camp, we are planning a whole range of exciting activities again this summer, from 3 to 7 July.

Our STEAM camp is designed for Key Stage 1 and 2 (7 to 11 years-old) and aimed to develop the children’s skills in science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.

Here are some examples of STEAM activities planned around daily themes:

  • Incredible edibles
  • Colour and light
  • Spectacular space
  • Building bridges
  • Magical movement
  • Water all around

Sign up now before 11 June

(so that we can order all the materials and resources we need)