Message from Mr Williams, Head

Dear Parents,
The week before residential week is always a busy one and this week has been no exception. The Early Years show, coffee mornings and book looks as well as end of year assessments have all been taking place. Thank you if you came into school to join the Primary school events and a big shout out to those parents who joined Mr Le Roy’s crossfit session last night – I hear it was quite a workout!
We start to celebrate the graduation of our eldest Primary and Secondary year groups as well as celebrating our exam groups over the next fortnight. This evening, Year 11 and their parents are coming to Secondary to celebrate the end of their GCSE exams. On Friday next week, our first ever Year 13 graduation event will take place from 14:00 to 16:00 at the Primary campus. Finally, on Wednesday of the last week of term we will say congratulations to Year 6 as they graduate from Primary school. We are proud of the achievements of all students across the school, and look forward to sharing lots of pictures of these events.
The Summer Fair is of course taking place on Saturday 24 June and you are all warmly invited to come – please do bring your friends and family too.
Finally, we would like to congratulate Mrs Adwoa Ajuebor and her husband who had their baby on Monday 29 May – welcome to the world, Esom Elon!
Have a lovely weekend,
Matt Williams
Music is in the air
News from Cíara Elliott (Year 10)

Cíara was recently invited to play in Florida for the concert master of the Philharmonic of Philadelphia, and she performed the Bruch Concerto for the first time.
For the last two weeks Cíara has been in Los Angeles learning from Maestro Robert Lipsett.
She reports that the experience is intense, with a technique class every morning, practicing up to 6 hours a day, then a masterclass, followed by professional concerts to go and see every night. The level is high but Cíara is inspired to be in such an environment!
Primary violin results

Still on the subject of Violin playing, we would like to congratulate the following Primary students on their exam results:
- Esme Mtambo – Pre-grade higher – Distinction
- Arthur Calcat – Grade 1 – Distinction
A bit of admin
Governors elections

The Board would like to sincerely thank those who stood for elections last month.
Congratulations to Amit Wadhwa, Lizzie Crudgington and Tom Lawrence who were able to join us at our Board meeting last week.
We are very grateful to all those who volunteer to give up their time and energy to help drive the future of the school and hope they will enjoy their time in the role.
Emily Persse
Chair of Governors
Primary parking and logistics

A number of parents have been sharing their concerns regarding the safety of the children at drop-off and pick-up time. Ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our children is our priority and we thank you for your understanding and support.
- Only Pre-School and Reception parents can park on the courts.
- Other parents can use the first three lines of parking if needed but must avoid the line of parking closest to the hedge and drop off lane.
- Parents using the ‘kiss and fly’ must wait until they are in the drop-off lane before allowing children to get out of the car.
- Children are not allowed to get out of the car alone in the busy parking area. There has been more and more children running across the car park which significantly increases the risk of injury.
School grounds and picnic tables
- A reminder that clubs and activities are now finished for this term.
To ensure we know where every child is and to safeguard our site, please can we respectfully remind parents that only children attending After School Care are allowed to play on the grounds after school, including the picnic tables and benches.
Sport & Extra-curricular
Ski Camp 2024 - Registration open

A reminder that registration is now open for our upcoming ski residential trip on 2 – 6 January 2024 in Saas-Grund & Saas-Fee.
The trip will be open to Year 6 and Secondary students.
Please refer to the letter we sent on 5 June for all details.
If you are interested in signing your child up for this trip, you can do so by completing the form in My School Portal, under Sport & Extra-Curricular, Ski Residential Trip 2024 and making a deposit payment of CHF 250 by 12:00 (midday) next Thursday 22 June.
Article en français (Year 8 Outdoor Club)

L’expédition au camping de Cully était extraordinaire. Après avoir été épuisés de la marche, on est finalement arrivés au camping. La belle vue du lac était relaxante. On s’est immédiatement assis. Après 5 minutes, on a commencé à monter notre tente et on a joué au football. Puis on a fait une autre marche sur les collines et on a vu des ruisseaux. On s’est arrêtés pour se baigner dans le parc d’à côté. Puis, on est rentrés pour commencer à préparer le dîner. Ensuite, on est allés au parc où on a joué au foot et on a fait des parcours au parc sur la cage à écureuils. On a dormi puis après le réveil, on a préparé le petit-déjeuner avant de repartir en train. C’était chouette. Vincent
J’ai adoré notre voyage au camping car, quand on est arrivés, on a marché pendant une minute pour arriver au camping. Puis on a monté nos tentes et on a joué au foot. On a vu un site du patrimoine mondial très beau pendant notre randonnée – le Lavaux. Quand on est retourné au camping on a mangé des wraps avec du poulet, on a joué au foot au parc et on a fait des courses à pied que Jun a gagnées. Mr Rogers et Mme Noble ont mangé des pizzas qu’ils ont commandé. Après, nous nous sommes couchés, on a parlé un peu avant de s’endormir. Le matin on a mangé des crêpes au chocolat délicieuses. Finalement, on a pris le train pour retourner à l’école, c’était trop cool. Teddy
Dans l’Outdoor Club, moi, James, Vincent, Teddy et Jack sommes allés à Cully. J’ai trouvé ce voyage génial parce qu’on pouvait jouer au foot et à d’autres jeux. Le paysage était magnifique et même s’ il pleuvait, on a réussi à bien s’amuser et dormir. C’était très drôle quand Mme Noble a oublié les fours; on ne pouvait donc pas manger de riz, et les professeurs (Mme Noble et Mr Rogers) ont mangé de la pizza qu’ils ont acheté. Le matin on a mangé des crêpes avec du Nutella et on a appris une leçon: il n’y aura jamais assez de Nutella pour les élèves de la classe 8! On y est repartis en train et on a beaucoup ri quand on a vu que Teddy avait du chewing-gum sur son pull! -Jun
Summer Holiday Camps
During the first two weeks of July, our partners from TechLabs will be running two exciting holiday camps in the morning.
- Flight Lab from 3 to 7 July – Let your dreams take flight!
Using the Flight Test STEM platform, kids will learn about propulsion, aerodynamics, airframe design, and the physics of flight as they build and learn to fly their own take-home model aircraft and controller.
- Junior STEAM Lab from 10 to 14 July – Be inspired to become a future engineer, programmer or scientist!
Experience a variety of STEAM technologies and take part in different activities such as coding, robotics, 3D printing, rockets making, Stop Motion animation and much more.