Dear Parents,
It feels like our wonderful school community life is being revived in earnest now and we can feel the buzz of all the activities in an almost tangible way.
We had our first SGIS Sports tournaments and friendly sports fixtures with other schools in the area this week. A Primary Netball team brought medals home as in the old days before Covid. Other sports tournaments and the Escalade run are being prepared and Ski camps and trips planned. Students in many year groups are practising for Christmas shows and our Culture Vulture programme takes interested students and their families to plays and shows in the local community where volunteers are hard at work.
Our Secondary students are, in the midst of all their academic learning, undertaking volunteering elements of their DofE International Awards too and we probably should hear more about those. We are proud of each member of GES who, through their contributions, gives back to the wider community.
The Parent Community Group organised a fantastic morning of Second hand sales – thank you to Olivia Williams and the wider team for the initiative and organisation. I personally hope this can become a feature of school life, the contribution to the school via the funds raised are very welcome, but this is important to us as a community and Eco School also from a reusing and sustainability point of view.
I suspect you have all been waiting for one of the highlights of the year – our annual Christmas fair – which will take place on Saturday, 11 December between 16:00 – 19:00.
We are grateful that the Christmas fair can happen this year and the organising team are already preparing rosters and ways for as many of you as possible to volunteer a small amount of their time to make this a great success. Please look out for those opportunities. The school and your children are very grateful for your help and I personally look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
Everyones’ involvement in our wonderful school and our thoughtful, welcoming school community is valued and appreciated – without it, we wouldn’t have the GES we have – so thank you to each and everyone for everything you do.
Have a great weekend.
Matt Williams