Issue: 26 | Friday 28th April 2023

Message from Mr Williams, Head

Dear Parents,

Welcome back. I hope that you had a good Easter holiday and a relaxing and restorative break with your families.

It has been a busy start to the term here in school – many of our students are taking part in the Don du Choeur concert at the Victoria Hall in Geneva and so have been practising diligently for this. I look forward to seeing you there on Monday.

At Secondary, formal A Level and GCSE exams have started with the A Level Art exam taking place this week and language oral exams also beginning shortly. Good luck to all students involved (and to parents too!). Please do contact Ms Peart or Mr Crabtree if you would like any support or further information about helping your children through exams.

Thank you to all parents who joined Ms Noble’s information session on Learning Support, and also the evening session on Sports. Mr Sheppard-Burgess was able to share his and Miss Shibil’s vision and plans for sport, including a more diverse and exciting offer next year, and Ms Noble gave an overview of her strategic role across Primary and Secondary, along with how she and the teaching staff support your children in school. Both presentations are available on My School Portal via the links above.

Looking ahead to next week, on Wednesday our monthly Virtual Open Days will take place. Do invite your friends and work colleagues to sign up and we are so grateful for all of you that recommend us to other families.

Before then, I hope you will enjoy both community events taking place this evening: the Secondary Quiz night and the International Evening at Primary. Thank you for taking part and as ever to our Parent Community Group for organising.

Have a great weekend,

Matt Williams

P.S. Sign up is already open for our Summer Camps – Don’t forget!
These include:

  • Early Years Creativity – Age 3-6
  • STEAM – Age 7-11
  • Cricket – Age 8-11
  • Performing Arts – Age 10-14
  • Watercolours – Age 11-16
  • Poterie et Artisanat (100% French) – Age 13-16
  • STEAM & Flight Labs by external instructors from TechLabs – Age 6-8 and 8-14

From the School Office

Extra-curricular clubs resuming

A reminder that extra-curricular activities will be resuming next week, including Wednesday Academy and French support sessions at Primary.

Do note that Paddleboarding will start later on Wednesday 24 May.

We hope the children will enjoy trying brand new activities this term – watch this space for photos.

Board of Governors: parent positions available

Following the email sent today, a reminder that there are 3 parent governor positions to be filled for a three-year term this year.

We have extended the deadline to next Wednesday 3 May for any parent who would like to apply.

All nominations for the Board of Governors need to be submitted, with a proposer and seconder, to the Clerk of the Board of Governors by email: [email protected].

Thank you in advance for volunteering your time to help shape the future of our school.

Secondary students successes

Swiss Girls' Cricket

During the Easter break, Ona in Year 9 joined 10 other players in Frankfurt as part of the first-ever girls’ cricket team to represent Switzerland on the international stage against the newly formed German U15 team. It was an exceptional, historic weekend for girls’ cricket, and an incredibly exciting time for Ona.

The 7-game (T10 format) international series was held over two-days at ESRM, Bad Vilbel. The coach described the series as “a real rollercoaster, with both sides exhibiting a high level of ability. Throughout the weekend, the Swiss girls showed great togetherness, courage to trust each other, belief in their ability and game awareness, which in the end carried them through a decisive win in game 7 to take the series.”

Whilst some of the Swiss and German girls have been playing cricket in mixed clubs for years and play at a very high standard, Ona is a new recruit as Switzerland works to build up the number of girls in the sport. Ona’s parents were very touched by the team vibe and support for Ona, encouraging her through moments of brilliance and through some tougher learning moments too!

The current Swiss Girls Cricket program aims to offer a stepping stone into Ladies’ cricket, at the same time as providing a platform for these girls to enjoy the game in a positive, inclusive environment creating as many opportunities as possible. If your daughter is interested in giving cricket a try, please email: [email protected]


An update from our violin prodigy Cíara in Year 10:

After being selected from over 1000 applicants, Cíara will be one of 4 lucky students who will have the opportunity to study with Robert Lipsett in Los Angeles for a month this summer. Maestro Lipsett is the leading violinist in the United States along with Maestro Itzhak Perlman.

Cíara has also been invited to Tuscany for a week in July on a scholarship where she will work with maestro Julien Zufferey and Ukrainian violonist Pavel Vernikof and play various concerts in Tuscany.

Congratulations to Cíara and her family for this amazing news – we all are really proud.

From the Primary teachers

Half-Term overviews

The Summer half-term curriculum overviews for Pre-School up to Year 6 can be found in My School Portal, under School Information:

Michael Morpurgo May Reading Challenge

This month’s reading challenge is to read a book by Michael Morpurgo and then write a book review to be kept in our school library.

Book reviews can be presented on A4 paper, either written or typed, and can even be put directly onto our ‘Reading cloud’ library system during your class or lunch library sessions.

Hand in your book reviews to your class teacher by the end of the month to receive a reading certificate and 5 stars for your house.

Good luck!