Message from Mr Williams, Head

Dear Parents,
The highlight of this week was watching the Don Du Choeur concert on Monday night at the Victoria Hall. Miss Parker and I were so impressed by our students representing the school and really enjoyed the songs that they performed with such spirit and gusto in both French and English. A huge thank you to Mrs Humphreys and Ms Colwill for everything they did to prepare for the event. The hard work put in by everyone was so clear to see!
Thank you to all parents who arranged, took part and enjoyed the two community events at Primary and Secondary last Friday evening, and to Madame Durey and the French department for the French Film afternoon. I know that lots of you and your children attended and a great time was had by all. The next whole school community event is the Summer Fair – I am sure you will already have the date in your diary, and we are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday 24 June at the Primary campus.
With many school events coming up throughout the term, from performances, to sports day, to book looks, do make sure you take a look at the calendar. At Primary we have updated the timings of the carousel showcases, and Miss Parker will be writing shortly with further details.
Looking ahead to the Summer, there are some great Holiday Camps on offer which are open to GES students and their friends – you can see the full programme here.
Have a great weekend,
Matt Williams
Students' success
Music exam, from Mrs Roff

Congratulations to David Lescrenier (4B) for passing his Pre-grade Higher Violin with Merit.
If you would like to give a shout-out to your child for a personal achievement outside of school, whether in sports, music or arts, please email Stéphanie Pillot: [email protected].
Swiss Maths Challenge, from Mr Pearce

Twenty of the keenest mathematicians in GES took the Swiss Maths Kangaroo in March and the results are now in…
Instead of the Gold, Silver and Bronze certificates of the UK maths challenge, the Swiss Kangaroo simply offers a points score and position.
The standout performance came from Felix in Year 13 who came 8th in the whole of Switzerland – great work! Not far behind were Karlis in 72nd and Dylan in 126th. Coming in the top thousand students in the younger age categories were Omar in Year 10-11, Jun and Mitra in Year 8-9 and Ben in Year 7.
Bearing in mind there are roughly 200,000 students in each age category, these are all outstanding achievements.
From the French Department
Séance de cinéma dans la Gym, par Mme Durey

Merci aux enfants pour leur participation à l’après-midi cinéma en français vendredi dernier.
Confortablement installés avec les copains, ils ont pu rire et essayer de comprendre les aventures d’Astérix et Obélix, une des BD francophones les plus connues.
Grâce à cette après-midi cinéma nous avons récolté 100 CHF, ce qui nous permettra d’acheter quelques livres pour les bibliothèques des salles de classe.
Article en français, par Thomas (Classe 12)

Jeudi dernier, les élèves de Classe 12 ont passé leur premier examen d’AS Level : l’examen de français oral. Les 6 élèves qui l’ont fait sont passés un par un toutes les 20 minutes. Quand nous sommes entrés dans la salle de Chaplin, nous nous sommes assis à une table puis nous devions choisir 2 cartes sur 4. Nous avions 15 minutes pour faire des notes sur ces cartes.
Après avoir fini la préparation, nous sommes allés dans une autre salle et nous avons commencé la partie orale. Il fallait utiliser ce que nous avions appris en classe et ce que nous avions lu dans les journaux pour développer l’information sur la carte.
Par exemple, la carte que j’ai eue sur le cinéma m’a donné l’opportunité de parler de tout ce que je savais sur le septième art en Suisse et dans d’autres pays francophones. Sous la pression d’un vrai examen, nous avons mieux compris la préparation que nous avons faite en classe avec les profs !
Sport & PE
Hockey tournaments outside school

During the April holidays George Markoff (6V) participated in 4 international ice hockey tournaments in three countries, competing with teams from Switzerland, France, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Norway, Latvia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.
His team won the gold medal in two of the tournaments, one with his regular club Servette in Geneva, and the other with a team called Lions in Champéry.
George led his team with 14 assists in Champéry, and also scored 4 goals in that tournament. During this period he played a total of 28 games – that’s a lot of work!
He still has two tournaments coming up this season, so congratulations to George for his achievements so far, and we wish him every future success!
Netball tournament at La Châtaigneraie

Last Saturday, Miss Shibil took a group of Netballers from Years 6 to 9 to an invitational SGIS Netball tournament at la Châtaigneraie.
Whilst we did not bring any medals or trophies back home this time, the GES teams competed with heart, determination and outstanding sportsmanship throughout the tournament in matches against IIL, LGB, CDL, La Chat and ISL.
This was the first time we had a Junior and Senior team in this tournament.
A special thanks to Lauren in Year 11 who coached and inspired the Junior team after her representation in the U17 Swiss National squad earlier this year.
Thank you too to Miss Shibil for organising such great opportunities for our students and for her commitment to the Netball programme at GES.
Summer Holiday Camps
Early Years Creativity camp

From 3 to 7 July, Mrs Gemma Livesley has prepared a busy week for your little ones.
The Creativity camp is designed for Early Years (3 to 6 years-old) and aimed to develop the children’s creativity, encourage learning whilst having fun in a child-centred environment.
Activities will include: baking, sewing, craft, outdoor activities, music, drama and much more!