Message from the Head

Dear Parents,
I hope that you had a lovely half term holiday and managed to travel, see family or just spend time in Switzerland. With the snow appearing on the mountains and the mornings starting to be beautifully frosty I have re-shared our winter sports programme at the bottom of the newsletter, under Ms Shibil’s piece. Please sign your children up to some of the wonderful winters sports activities that we have planned. This includes the ski touring trip for our secondary students that Mr Pearce sent information about yesterday.
It has been a busy start to term, in the Secondary assemblies I have been talking about mental health and launching our Movember campaign and students have joyfully been sticking on some moustaches whilst our eldest children and staff have been trying to grow their own. It is great to see some parents are joining in with the campaign and we will share with you a just giving page soon so that we can start to raise as much money as we can for such a good cause. I will be launching this with the primary students next week in assembly.
On Wednesday it was lovely to see all the Halloween costumes at Primary. I managed to visit most of the classes and the costumes were brilliant. Thank you for all the effort that went into these. On Wednesday evening there was a presentation about the proposed changes to the structure of the governance of the school. A letter was sent today with a summary of the proposed changes and it is anticipated that more information will be available by the end of next week. Please do reach out to the governors directly if you have any questions about the upcoming vote – the email is [email protected].
Have a great weekend.
Matt Williams
GES Autumn Secondhand Sale - Tomorrow
A reminder that the Parent Community is organising a Secondhand Sale tomorrow Saturday 6 November from 10:00 to 12:30 in the Primary Campus Gym Hall.
Good quality second hand items on sale.
Cash only please.
There is a great selection being assembled tonight – Come and have a look tomorrow!
From your teachers
Primary Christmas Rising Stars 2021 Show: 2 December

- All children in Years 3-6
- Y3 & 4 PA Club
- Orchestra
- Upper and Lower School Choir
- Street Dance
- Ballet
Ski programme 2022

With the first snow falling and the ski season fast approaching, here is the exciting ski programme we have put together for our students this winter, so you can save the dates. There is plenty on offer, from great options for complete beginner right through to really competitive ski events.
In order to start working on the team selection, Ms Shibil will be sending out a communication next week to ask for your children’s ski ability, whether they are in a ski club or not, etc. Please look out for this.
From the Office
School Photos ready to order

You should have received the leaflets from Studio Patrick with a unique personal code for you to access your school photo gallery online.
You can select and design your own pack of photos, and order them before Sunday 14 November to get free delivery to GES in time for Christmas. After the deadline, photos may still be ordered and delivered directly to your home address, at an additional cost.
We hope you enjoy the photos.
Christmas Gift box Appeal reminder

A reminder that GES is taking part in the annual Christmas Gift Box appeal.
Your boxes can be dropped off from until Monday 22 November at 8:30:
- in the Primary Car park with Ms Fortune
- at Secondary Reception
Here are the full instructions on how to participate in this wonderful cause to benefit families less fortunate. We know from experience that many of our students take incredible pride in sharing something of their own with the children who will receive the Christmas Gift Boxes.
Many thanks for your support.
What is happening next week?
Monday 8 November
16:00 - 20:00 Primary Parent Teacher MeetingsTuesday 9 November
16:00 - 20:00 Primary Parent Teacher MeetingsWednesday 10 November
16:00 - 20:00 Primary Parent Teacher Meetings 8:30 - 12:20 Primary STEAM Morning (click for more details) 13:00 - 17:00 Under 9 & 11 Netball Tournament at IILThursday 11 November
14:30 - 16:30 Friendly Secondary Netball tournament at La Chat 18:00 - 19:00 GCSE/A Level Information evening for Y11 current parentsFriday 12 November
9:30 - 12:30 Year 6 attending 'Le Petit Prince' concert at Victoria HallExtra-curricular activities next week

Due to the Primary Parent Teacher meetings and a Netball tournament next week, the following clubs will NOT take place:
- All Primary clubs run by GES staff on Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 November
- GES Sports Leaders and Netball Academy on Wednesday 10 November (all the other Wednesday Academy sessions will continue as normal)
Primary After School Care, Prep clubs and buses will be running as normal on all 3 days.