Issue: 15 | Friday 14th January 2022

Message from the Head

Happy New Year! 

I hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas and New Year and managed to have a relaxing festive period. I know that a number of you have had to deal with a variety of Covid issues and the resulting isolation. But I hope that you managed to have some time with loved ones even if perhaps it was shorter than you would have liked. As a school, we are making sure to keep up to date with the different changes to legislation at a federal and cantonal level as well as in France. Our latest update about Covid is later in the newsletter and is regularly updated on My School Portal for you to find easily.

As the weather has turned colder and our Secondary has gotten fuller, the drop off and pick up has got noticeably busier and is starting to cause issues for our neighbours in the Modulis building. Our friends in Little Greenhouse nursery normally do their afternoon walk around our departure time and it has become too dangerous for them to currently do this. Please can I ask all Secondary parents to drop off and pick up from the underground car park. The gates will be left open for you to do this and the route is well signposted. At the end of the day, the students will be guided to the lower car park to wait for you and not to the main entrance. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding with this.

Have a lovely weekend,

Matt Williams

COVID Update on isolation and quarantine (overview)

Persons who have tested positive: Isolation of at least 5 days

  • Start of isolation: when symptoms occur or after a positive test result
  • End of isolation: after 5 days and when symptom-free for 48 hours (the minimum of 5 days needs to include 48 hours of being symptom-free). Should symptoms still persist after 5 days, the earliest day isolation can end is 48 hours after symptoms stopped.

Please note that symptoms of a loss of taste or smell and slight cough may take longer to disappear, so these are no longer symptoms to consider to exit isolation.

Persons who are considered a contact case: Quarantine of 5 days (with the exception of those who have been vaccinated/boostered or have recovered from Covid within the last 4 months)

  • Start of quarantine: at the time of last contact
  • End of quarantine: after 5 days

Please note that the definition of who is considered a contact case have also been amended and primarily focus on members of the same household or someone a person may have regular close contact with.

For more details, please refer to the letter that was sent from Mr Williams on 14 January and which is also available on My School Portal.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR activities next week

Support sessions and extra-curricular clubs

Please note that the morning challenge & support sessions, held before school, will begin next Monday 17 January for KS2 children and on Monday 24 January for KS1 pupils.

A reminder that all extra-curricular activities will resume next week.

Primary parents can now see the confirmed spaces in My School Portal, under Sport & Extra-curricular, Booked activities. Whenever clubs were oversubscribed, we tried our best to accommodate your children with another option, and we hope they will enjoy their clubs this term.

Wednesday Afternoon Academies: Spaces left

Our Wednesday academy sessions are also resuming next week and we still have some spaces available in sports:

  • Netball (Y4, 5 & 6)
  • Football (Y3 & 4)
  • Rugby (Y4, 5 & 6)
  • Multi Sports (KS1)
  • Sports Leaders (Y6 & Secondary)

And languages as well:

  • French Expressive Arts and Masterclasses
  • German Masterclass
  • Mandarin

If you are interested in signing up your child(ren) please email the relevant teacher, Ms Shibil for sport ([email protected]), Mrs Marett for languages ([email protected]), copying in the Primary office ([email protected]).

From Mrs Ball, Head of Drama and Performing Arts

For all of our theatre and performance lovers, here is Mrs Ball’s latest recommendations of local theatre productions.

If you would like further information about any of these, you are welcome to email Mrs Ball at [email protected].

Animal Farm at Uptown Theatre Geneva (2 Rue de la Servette) on Tuesday 18 January. Details and booking here.

Laisse ton jeans au Vestiaire - Thank you

Thank you to all those people who donated jeans to the ‘Laisse Ton Jeans au Vestiaire’ initiative that was organised by the Don Du Choeur charity before Christmas.

We collected 40 pairs in total and they have all been much appreciated by families in need.