Persons who have tested positive: Isolation of at least 5 days
- Start of isolation: when symptoms occur or after a positive test result
- End of isolation: after 5 days and when symptom-free for 48 hours (the minimum of 5 days needs to include 48 hours of being symptom-free). Should symptoms still persist after 5 days, the earliest day isolation can end is 48 hours after symptoms stopped.
Please note that symptoms of a loss of taste or smell and slight cough may take longer to disappear, so these are no longer symptoms to consider to exit isolation.
Persons who are considered a contact case: Quarantine of 5 days (with the exception of those who have been vaccinated/boostered or have recovered from Covid within the last 4 months)
- Start of quarantine: at the time of last contact
- End of quarantine: after 5 days
Please note that the definition of who is considered a contact case have also been amended and primarily focus on members of the same household or someone a person may have regular close contact with.
For more details, please refer to the letter that was sent from Mr Williams on 14 January and which is also available on My School Portal.