Message from Mr Williams, Head

Dear Parents,
Whilst exams and spotlight assessments are continuing at Secondary, the Primary children have not only been performing in a Rising stars concert but also competing in two different House competitions: Singing and Sports Day.
Whilst I have been away this week and sadly missed these events, Miss Parker has reported back that it was wonderful to see our children performing so well. Thank you to everyone who came to watch and support – I hear that the parent races were highly competitive too! Here you can watch the videos featuring many of the children:
Next week we are looking forward to you being in school again to see what the Primary children have learned, with Book Looks in Years 4-6, and the Early Years show.
At the other end of the school, some of our A Level students will be learning outside of the classroom: a small group will travel overseas with Mr Crabtree and Mrs McKee to Bristol and Manchester universities for open days whilst Mrs Doyle’s historians will visit the local Musée International de la Réforme.
The first of our end of year events will take place on Friday at Secondary with the Year 11 parent and student celebration. Finally, a reminder that the Summer fair is coming up on Saturday 24 June and promises to be the best yet.
Have a lovely weekend,
Matt Williams
A shout out
Examen DELF Niveau B2

Félicitations à nos étudiants qui ont validé leur diplôme français DELF niveau B2:
– Cora in Year 13
– Cosme in Year 11
– Theo in Year 11
Mme Rifflard est fière d’avoir – jusqu’à aujourd’hui – un taux de réussite de 100%, suite à Jacopo qui avait ouvert la voie l’an dernier. Bravo à tous!
Swiss Maths and Logical Games Championship

On 13 May, Ravi and Arun participated in the National Final of the Swiss Maths and Logical Games Championship.
The final was held at the Haute École d’Ingénierie et d’Architecture de Fribourg, and was an incredible experience for the boys. Ravi took pride in wearing his GES hoodie and Arun almost made the podium.
We were impressed by their commitment to Mathematics and their wonderful sense of fair play. They are enthusiastically looking forward to next year’s championship!
A big thank you to GES staff for instilling such positive values in your students.
Primary Arts & Music
Violin, from Ms Roff

Well done to Lyra Zavratsky-Miles who passed her Grade 2 violin exam with Distinction!
Some of you may know that our violin teacher Claire Roff will be moving on to an exciting new teaching job in Chamonix next year, nearer where she lives.
Claire has been working with GES for 6 years and has been a crucial part in the development of our music department.
We wish her all the best for the future and we will update you on the new violin teacher.
Summer Rising Stars

A huge congratulations to all of our Rising Stars!
On Wednesday, we were treated to an evening of music and dance, enjoying performances from the GES orchestra, choirs, street dancers and ballet dancers.
Each and every performer should be incredibly proud of themselves and what they have achieved this year in the arts.
Well done!
Summer Holiday Camps
From 10 to 14 July, Mr Sheppard-Burgess will be running a Junior Cricket camp on the Primary field for 8-11 year olds.
The camp will be running in the morning, and the cost is 340 CHF.
We will focus on developing the knowledge of how to play cricket, the rules, skills and techniques for batting, bowling and fielding and how to apply these into fun, soft ball games.