Dear Parents,
Thank you to everyone who logged on to the AGM meeting on Monday, it was great to see so many families online and be able to share all the successes of the year. I was really proud to be able to share the Primary external Maths and English results that were all significantly above the average for the UK (private and state schools) and also the predicted GCSE results. This data, along with the assessment data from Secondary, will be used to help us evaluate our curriculum and plan for next year.
GES is much more than assessments and next week all of Primary will be off doing different activities and Secondary will be following an exciting programme of activities around diversity. With the forecast expected to be very warm please do ensure that your children have sunscreen, a hat and lots of water. A massive thanks to all the staff for putting together an exciting programme of activities.
As promised at the AGM, here is the long-awaited brochure for our Wednesday afternoon programme including the Language Academy and Sports Academy. If you have any friends or colleagues whose children may benefit from our new English Language programme for non-GES Anglophone children, please feel free to share it or put them in touch with us.
This morning it was lovely to see most of our class reps and talk about parent voice for next year. We have missed seeing parents in school and I know that lots of you have missed the opportunity that drop off and pick up afforded you to see each other and talk to teachers. Next year we are looking at a new way to include parent voice in the school community. As one big school, it is important that the parent voice works across both campuses and we are really keen for lots of parents to be involved in areas that interest them. We will therefore have four different committees focusing on different areas of the school. These will be:
1. Fundraising and events – to arrange fundraising events including the Summer and Christmas Fairs and any other ad hoc events. Monitor the money raised by the parents and work with the school on where it should be spent.
2. Diversity – working with the school to ensure that our approach to all aspects of diversity and our curriculum is inclusive and forward thinking.
3. Welcoming Committee – this group will be made up of the class reps and will be responsible for welcoming new families and running the communication in classes (or year groups at Secondary). They will also run the New families picnic.
4. Alumni – setting up and maintaining an alumni database, keeping in touch with families that leave us, taking advantage of our alumni to help and support the school.
Each of these groups will elect a Chair. The group of Chairs will then meet with the two deputy heads and I on a termly basis. We hope that this will add a more structured way of giving general feedback. To allow us to start thinking about the committees for next year it would be wonderful if you could quickly fill in this form to capture your interest.
Finally, we have a number of new staff joining us who are unable to travel to Switzerland until the summer. To allow them to settle and explore the area before signing up to a long lease I have been asked if anyone may want a house sitter for a few weeks in the summer whilst they are away OR if you own a short let (or rental property) that you may want to let. Due to the post-Brexit visa situation, these need to be in Switzerland. If you can help, please let Aurore Alefsen (our Head of HR) know. It would probably be for two or three weeks from the last week of July until the middle of August. We have a family of four, a family of three, two couples and a single person that all may be grateful for some help.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Matt Williams