Message from Mr Williams, Head
Dear families,
It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Escalade races last weekend. A massive thank you to Mr Sheppard-Burgess for standing at the start line to ensure that our GES runners could meet and run together, and to Mrs Pillot for braving the cold all day to take such fabulous photos. There were so many great student performances across the age ranges and we are proud of every student (and parent) that took part. Thank you also to the parent representatives who provided refreshments at the GES tent – they were most welcome on a chilly and busy day.
As the end of term approaches, I hope you will have – or have had, depending on when you read this – great fun at the Christmas Fair or Christmas Quiz this evening. These special, whole-school events are what make GES so much more than an ordinary school and so, whichever event you attended, I hope your family had a brilliant time. Thank you again to all of you that have volunteered and helped out.
At the end of term, we are sadly saying goodbye to Miss Shibil. Excitingly for her, but not for us, Miss Shibil will be returning to the UK to a promoted position as Head of PE. In her time at GES, Miss Shibil has introduced and led a number of new sports initiatives, both at GES and across Switzerland. Her passion for inclusive sport, especially netball, has been passed on to a number of our students. We wish her well and look forward to some competitive fixtures in the future.
Please check the school calendar for all the events taking place next week – it is a busy one!
Festive cheer to one and all,
Mr Williams
From your Primary Teachers
Christmas Rising Stars
A huge congratulations to the 127 children who performed at the Rising Stars concert on Monday.
We are incredibly proud of our very talented ballet and street dancers, Performing Arts Club, the GES orchestra and choirs, and the Year 5 and 6 singers.
What a great way to kick off the holiday festivities!
You can access the video of the show here, and some lovely pictures from Mr Crausaz here.
Escalade Celebrations in Pyjamas
Comme chaque année, tous les enfants de l’école Primaire ont célébré la fête populaire Genevoise de l’Escalade hier dans leurs pyjamas, commémorant la victoire des Genevois sur les Savoyards en 1602.
Les enfants de Reception ont rejoué la scène de la Mère Royaume renversant sa marmite sur les assaillants savoyards, tandis que les élèves de classe 5 et 6 ont rejoué des scènes de la bataille.
Une fois la phrase rituelle prononcée: «Ainsi périssent les ennemis de la République», tous les enfants ont pris beaucoup de plaisir à briser la fameuse marmite en chocolat en hommage au courage de la Mère Royaume.
Nous nous sommes bien sûr tous régalés de ce bon chocolat!
Vous pouvez retrouver toutes nos photos et vidéos ici.
Primary Maths Challenge
Every year, our Year 6 children compete in the Primary Maths Challenge. This competition enables our budding mathematicians to apply their logic, reasoning and problem-solving skills to a broad range of challenging questions that cover the breadth and depth of the primary mathematics curriculum.
From Secondary Students
Bake Sale in Aid of MSF
On Monday this week, our Secondary students organised a bake sale and managed to raise 200 CHF to be donated to Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders).
Funds will help to fund MSF’s medical humanitarian assistance to victims of current conflicts around the world.
Thank you to all the bakers, donors and cake lovers for participating.
Merci à Thomas de la classe 13 pour sa contribution cette semaine
Pendant les deux dernières semaines, les classes 10 à 13 ont passé des examens blancs pour être sûrs des nouvelles choses qu’on a apprises en cours cette année.
Pour nous la classe 13, on n’a pas eu beaucoup de temps pour réviser tout ce qu’on faisaient en classe vu qu’on avait des candidatures pour l’université à préparer aussi !
Même si on n’est peut-être pas totalement prêt, c’est une expérience très importante et formatrice pour nous guider dans les prochains mois et nous aider à savoir nos points forts et nos points faibles dans chaque matière.
Quand on aura fini nos examens, on profitera bien des vacances d’hiver !
From the School Offices
Extra-curricular Activities
As usual in the last week of term, please note that there will be no extra-curricular activities next week, with the exception of:
- Tuesday Football catch-up session (Years 5 & 6)
- Wednesday Sports Leaders, as a goodbye to Miss Shibil (Secondary)
- Thursday TechLabs Robotics catch-up session (Years 3, 4, 5 & 6)
The shuttle bus will, therefore, leave Primary at 15:20 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and at 12:20 on Wednesday and Friday.
After School Care will remain open until 18:00 every day, except on Friday when school will finish at lunchtime for the Christmas break.
Primary After School Care Doorbell
Regular users of After School Care will have noticed that a bell has been installed on the door of the Salève building (upper right-hand side). This is in place for parents collecting children from After School Care.
Parents are encouraged to call the After School Care team first on 022 775 04 48. If you are unable to get through, you are welcome to ring the doorbell.
Thank you.
Call for Christmas Photos - Advent Calendar Challenge
We have now opened the 8th box of our advent calendar and are still collecting Christmas outfit photos. Parents, teachers and pets are welcome to participate in this creative countdown to Christmas!
Send your photo(s) along to [email protected] and check out our social media pages (Instagram, Facebook, X/Twitter).