Message from Mr Williams, Head
Dear Parents,
This week, to celebrate Science week, Mr Bradley challenged Primary students to capture their learning on paper chains. As the students’ scientific knowledge increased during the week, the chains of learning got longer and longer and were linked together this morning as we came together as a school to celebrate everything they had learnt. A massive thank you to for taking part and to Mr Bradley for leading such an exciting week of learning.
Whilst Primary students were working on their expertise as budding Scientists, Maths was very much the focus at Secondary. With Tuesday being the International Day of Mathematics, or ‘Pi Day’ (as the mathematical constant π can be rounded down to 3.14 – the US date format) there were House Maths competitions and activities including quite a lot of pie to eat! On Thursday, students took part in the Swiss Maths challenge. Thank you to Mr Pearce and Ms Brewin for organising such great events for our Secondary students..
With Easter fast approaching, a number of holiday camps will be running for GES students and their friends as follows:
- Musicianship (Age 11-18)
- Great British Baking (Age 11-18)
- Sport and Adventure (Age 7-12)
- Bilingual Yoga and Wellbeing (Age 9-15)
You can book online here and we are sure that children will enjoy collaborating, learning and developing new skills during the holiday.
Looking ahead, an advance reminder that school will finish for the Easter break on Thursday 6 April at 12:00 at Secondary and 12:20 at Primary. There will be no After School Care at Primary on that day. We will return on Tuesday 25 April at 8:30.
Have a good weekend,
Matt Williams
From the French Department
Francophonie celebrations
A reminder that we will be celebrating la Journée internationale de la Francophonie next Monday 20 March.
All Primary children are invited to attend school dressed up in clothes/costumes reflecting the spirit of the day and to celebrate French-speaking communities around the world.
We are looking forward to a festive day celebrating our cultural diversity across both campuses.
On a related note, we have realised that our communication about the French movie afternoon taking place on Friday 28 April was confusing and we would like to advise you that it is for Key Stage 2 students only.
Article en français, rédigé par Cas et Teddy (Classe 8)
Aujourd’hui, on va parler de nos cours de français.
En ce moment, on regarde un film très intéressant qui s’appelle Le Grand Voyage. Il s’agit d’un père et un fils qui font un pèlerinage à la Mecque en voiture. Venant de deux cultures et deux générations différentes, les pèlerins ont du mal à se comprendre.
Notre français s’améliore très rapidement avec les jeux en classe, comme les jeux des policiers ou des quiz Kahoot. Les cours sont toujours variés et amusants.
On a beaucoup appris ce trimestre sur le monde francophone, surtout sur l’identité d’immigrés en France de deuxième et troisième génération.
At Secondary today
Year 12 A Level Biology EPFL Laboratory Visit
Our A-level Biology students spent a fascinating afternoon at EPFL (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne) learning about advanced electron microscopy with scientists from the Dubochet Center for Imaging.
They prepared samples using the cryo-techniques recognised in the 2016 Noble Prize and imaged Corona Virus using cryo-transmission electron microscopy.
News from the Student Council
The first ever GES Secondary Yearbook is being created by a group of keen students from the Student Council.
So far we have been asked to share photos of music recitals, Key Stage 3 residential, school trips, outdoor and Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, various house competitions, and sports events.
Watch this space to find out more.
From your teachers
Pupil's success, from Claire Roff (violin teacher)
Congratulations to Eddie Nichols (Key Stage 1) for passing his Pre-grade Higher Violin’s exam with Distinction!
As usual, if you would like to give a shout-out to your child in this section of the newsletter, please email Stéphanie Pillot at [email protected] – we are always happy to share our students’ individual achievements outside the classroom.
Sport & PE kit reminder, from Mr Sheppard-Burgess
- GES PE polo top (GES house T-Shirt for house events)
- GES PE shorts
- GES 1/4 zip mid layer jacket or GES thicker blast fleece jacket
- Navy blue or black tracksuit bottoms or leggings (GES options available)
- Indoor sports trainers – must be suitable for playing sports in the gym or dance studio
- Outdoor sports trainers – must be suitable for playing sports outdoors on the courts or grass pitches
- Water bottle
- Hair tie for long hair that is below shoulder length
- Football boots – optional for appropriate clubs on the field
From the Office
Driving in Genthod village
We kindly ask you to please drive carefully when coming through the village in Genthod to GES Primary, and to use the Route de Malagny as much as possible on your way to school, rather than the Chemin de la Pralay.
Thank you for your support in helping us to maintain good relationships with our neighbours.
GES Eco Code postcards
The Swiss Association J’aime ma planète is a non-profit association committed to the protection of the environment and responsible for developing the Eco-Schools programme across schools in Switzerland.
After running a crowdfunding campaign in 2022, they created postcards to thank their investors and chose GES Eco-Code Hokusai mural to be printed on one of their postcards. We are obviously very proud to have been chosen for this project.
The Hokusai mural was created back in 2019 during Art and Design lessons, using single use plastic to raise awareness of ocean pollution. This was linked to the Eco Committee’s theme ‘Waste and Litter’ that enabled GES to earn one of our Green Flags.
Protecting our planet and collecting litter from our playground is still ongoing and we are hoping to share more Eco-School news and action plans very soon.
On weekends and holiday
Theatre recommendations - From Mrs Ball
For all of our theatre and performance lovers, here are Mrs Ball’s latest recommendations for local theatre productions.
If you would like further information about any of these, you are welcome to email Mrs Ball at [email protected].
With Mrs Humphreys on the clarinet, and Mrs Ball as Director and Choreographer, we are proud to recommend:
Sister Act, the Musical
A feel-good musical comedy, based on the story of the blockbuster movie starring Whoopi Goldberg.
- Théâtre de Marens, Route du Stand 5, Nyon
- 30 March – 2 April
- Details and tickets here
Sport & Adventure Camp
Looking for an exciting and active camp for your 7-12-year-old this April?
Look no further! Mr Bradley is offering a Sport and Adventure camp with a mix of indoor and outdoor sports such as soccer, basketball, or volleyball, bike rides through the woods and hiking in nearby mountain ranges.
Your child will have a blast experiencing new activities and making new friends, all while getting a great workout.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity for adventure and fun and sign up now!