Message from the Head

Dear Parents,
I wanted to start by saying a massive thank you to all parents that completed the survey for the ISI compliance inspection that took place this week. I spent 45 minutes with the inspector going through the trends of the parents, staff and students survey and was overwhelmed with the positive feedback and comments from across our community. I compared the results with the feedback from a year ago and am delighted that you are seeing and feeling the results of the improvements and changes we are making. Whilst we may not get everything right at all times, there is a feeling that has been communicated back to me that we are on the right track and doing a lot of things right. The inspectors commented on the calm, purposeful and academically focussed lessons and I am looking forward to sharing the final report with you in a few weeks time.
As I am writing this piece, Year 12 and 11 are somewhere up a Glacier in the Alps doing Geography and Biology fieldwork. Year 5 and 6 are in an adventure park and we have staff preparing to lead Rugby and Netball workshops tomorrow. Outside my office, pizzas are being prepared for this evening’s ‘Back to School Party’ and there are four wonderful hampers waiting to be won. It is so wonderful that we have all of these events taking place and that the out of classroom experiences are slowly coming back. I look forward to seeing many of you this evening.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Matt Williams
Netball and Rugby workshops - Tomorrow 18 September

The weather is going to be great for some Rugby and Netball training tomorrow, Saturday.
Ms Shibil and her team are welcoming last-minute sign ups for the rugby and netball workshops this Saturday morning. All abilities welcome!
Registration here.
Student's success

Congratulations to Freya (Year 5) for being the first GES pupil to take and pass the MTB Contemporary Singing exam. Well done, Freya!
If you would like to share your child(ren)’s individual successes in this section, just email [email protected] with the details.
School Photos reminder

The annual school photographs (individual, class and siblings – within one campus) will be taken on:
- Monday 20 September at GES Primary – see the detailed Primary schedule
- Tuesday 21 September at GES Secondary – see the detailed Secondary schedule
The background colour for all photos will be white, so we suggest that children wear bright plain colours or GES clothing.
Further information about online ordering and available packs incl. prices will be sent following the photoshoot.