Message from the Head

Dear Parents,
It has been lovely to have parents back on site this week for the carousel showcases and little ducklings. The smiling faces and excitement at seeing students’ creative work has been palpable and we are delighted to also be able to have a whole range of coffee mornings arranged across the school. For our secondary parents, there will also be an open morning and we will be sending information out about it shortly.
You may have seen in the last couple of newsletters that we have been advertising the holiday camps that we are running using our staff. Please have a look at them and sign up. Remember that friends of GES students can also attend and so do please invite them along and sign up.
Just a reminder that the final questions and answer session with the governing board about the legal structure changes takes place on Monday at 18:00 via Zoom. Please come along if you have any questions or want to find out more before the vote opens.
Another area, we would really like to hear your feedback on is the changes we have made this year within the Language provision at GES. You will have received a short survey from Ms Marett this week and I strongly encourage you to share your views and impressions.
Have a great weekend.
Best wishes,
Matt Williams
Dates for your calendar
Semaine de la Francophonie - REMINDER

A kind reminder that next Monday, 14 March, we will be celebrating la Journée Internationale de la Francophonie across GES. The official theme for 2022 is “La Francophonie de l’avenir”.
We would encourage all students (and staff) across the school to let their creativity shine and come dressed up for this special occasion.
Throughout the week, all students will participate in a range of cross-curricular activities with activities, games, and various competitions related to the French language and Francophone culture.
GES Community event: Easter Treasure Hunt, Pizza & Picnic

The whole school community is invited to join an Easter treasure hunt, pizza and picnic on Friday 1 April from 16:30 – 19:00 at the Genthod campus.
Bring your own picnic or enjoy a pizza from the popular Pizza Matta! There will also be a bar and a raffle.
For children, we will organise a treasure hunt (CHF 5 per child) with Easter treats as prizes.
ALL proceeds will go towards 3 charities for humanitarian aid helping the ongoing crisis within Europe.
We, therefore, ask you to please give generously to the donation pots that will be at the event.
Thank you,
Parent Events Committee
Intermediate Maths Challenge, from Ms Brewin

Last month the UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge took place: an international competition aimed at ambitious mathematicians up to and including Year 11. Since that day in February, students approached me in lessons, in Maths extension club and in the corridors almost daily to ask me whether their results had come out yet, excited to find out their score and to see whether they might have won a certificate.
Behind the scenes in the Maths department, Mr Pearce and I also speculated as to how well GES might do in this year’s IMC. Last year, we had just 1 certificate winner from GES but I had a sneaky suspicion that this year’s cohort might do a little bit better overall.
Well, last Friday the wait was finally over and the results were released. To our delight, a whopping 21 students from Years 7 to 11 won certificates, including two gold certificates in Year 8 (!!) for Mitra and Griffin.
I’m so proud of how enthusiastically our pupils have engaged with the Maths challenge opportunities they’ve had this year, both in lessons and in the extension clubs, and it’s brilliant to see them continue to go from strength to strength.
We can’t wait to see how the younger students perform in the Junior Maths Challenge next month. Watch this space!
Languages survey reminder, from Mrs Marett and the Languages Team

Thank you to those families who have already completed our Languages survey. – a reminder that you can do so until Monday, 14 March.
Your feedback about the recent changes to our Languages programme will help us plan for the best possible provision for your children going forward.
Please see again the letter featuring all the changes to our Languages programme across the school this year.
More Ski successes!
GES Team at Haut Lac invitational SGIS ski race

Well done to all of the students who represented the GES ski team yesterday in the Haut Lac invitational SGIS ski race.
You competed with pride, determination and displayed excellent sportsmanship. We are so proud of you all and we can’t wait for the next competition already!
Thank you to all GES parents who supported the event – What a fantastic team and community!
Here are the champions of the day:
- William and Ava in Year 8
- Jonathan, William and Blaithin in Year 7
- Rocky, Matt, Caitlin and Katrina in Year 6
- Callum and Lily in Year 5
- Thomas, Bram, Kai and Ciara in Year 4
Individual success outside of school

In addition to his 4th place in the Haut Lac Giant Slalom race, Kai Schmidt also competed in the Grand Massif Giant Slalom ski race at Sixt last Sunday, 6 March, and came home with a nice cup (2nd position).
That’s incredible – Congratulations, Kai!
Festival "Histoire et Cité" in Geneva and Lausanne
From 29 March to 3 April, the Festival “Histoire et Cité” will take place in Geneva and Lausanne.
Aiming to debate around History, this year’s theme “Invisibles” will pay tribute to important figures – forgotten, anonymous or marginal – who are not featured in History books nor classes.
Here is the full programme, including interesting movie projections, guided tours, conferences, workshops, exhibitions etc.
And here is the pedagogical program aimed at Secondary students.
The HUB Geneva : survey

If you don’t yet know The HUB (Help. Understanding. Belonging) Geneva, you probably should. Founded by one of our parents, Mrs Malloy, The Hub represents a team of trained volunteers providing emotional and practical support to English-speaking parents in the Geneva and Nyon area.
In order to develop their offer, they would love to learn more about the community’s needs and invited all our families to complete a short survey.
On behalf of The Hub, thank you in advance for your participation – you can also choose to enter our draw to win a 50 CHF Manor voucher!