Message from the Head

Dear Parents,
Hopefully by the time that you read this you will have braved the pizza queue, completed an Easter egg hunt and maybe had a few drinks from the bar. Whilst the weather looks horrible, it will be lovely to have everyone together fundraising for refugees in our local community that have been displaced by the conflict in Ukraine. A massive thank you to everyone for making such a worthwhile event happen and for all the work that is going on in the background helping local families.
Next week is the last week of term and so just a reminder that school finishes at midday on Friday and there will be no after school care or clubs. We return on Tuesday 26 April, at the normal time.
On Wednesday 6 April, we will be running our monthly Admissions open events again. Please point colleagues and friends towards these so that they can find out more about our wonderful school. We run sessions about Nursery, Primary, Secondary and A Levels. Sign ups are easily done via the homepage of the website.
As new families are joining us on an ongoing basis, we are taking the opportunity to already look ahead to our planning for the next academic year. So, this is just a reminder that if you are relocating over the summer, to please let us know as early as you can. However, you need to give notice of withdrawal by formally writing to me (or via [email protected]) by midnight on Sunday 23 April 2022.
For the Easter holiday, we have scheduled the first of our newly introduced holiday camps. Please do have a look at the website and what is on offer. These camps will be run by our own staff and are open to GES students as well as their friends.
And here is a quick reminder of our key events next week – please join us if your schedules permit:
Monday 4 April
- 17:30-18:00: Background to RSE (Relationship and Sex Education) policy and lessons at Secondary by Ms Newbury (via Zoom)
- 18:00: Extraordinary General Meeting on Vote results regarding legal restructure of the school (via Zoom)
Tuesday 5 April
- 15:30-17:00: University Fair (including UK University admissions tutors from Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Royal Holloway and Sussex), Grand Café, Secondary campus.
All GES parents welcome to attend for discussions around progression to university, UK tuition fees, international bursaries and progression from GCSE and A Levels.
Throughout the day, each year group at Secondary (Y7-12) will also visit the university fair in the Grand Café.
- 17:30-19:00: Whole school Music Recital, Secondary campus, Versoix (all welcome)
I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Matt Williams
End of Spring Term

Unless you have been notified by email of an extra catch up session for your child’s specific activity, please note that there will be no extra-curricular activities next week.
The Summer term programme for Wednesday academy and Primary extra-curricular activities will be shared with you next week, so you can discuss them with your child(ren) during the Easter holiday.
Extra-curricular activities for Secondary remain the same and are published in My School Portal.
A reminder that the term will end next Friday 8 April 2022
- at 12:00 for GES Secondary
- at 12:20 for GES Primary
There will be no hot lunches and no After-School Care on that day.
During the holiday, the School Offices will be mostly open from 9:00 to 15:00 and emails will be checked regularly.
We wish you all a nice and hopefully sunny holiday.
Y9 Bake sale and KS3 Parents Breakfast

It was lovely to see the Secondary Grand Café busy again this week.
On Tuesday, Year 9 students organised a bake sale to highlight “le commerce équitable”, following their trip to a fair trade shop in Rolle. They used fair trade chocolate, lemons, bananas and tea in their cakes and drinks on offer. Our French and Art & Design departments combined forces for this inspiring project.
Then on Wednesday, we had nearly 50 parents participate in the KS3 Coffee morning. It was wonderful to have you back on the Secondary campus, chatting with the tutors and each other over breakfast and looking at your children’s work in all their different subjects.
Careers Enrichment Day: Wednesday 11 May

Access to work experience, visiting speakers as well as personalised careers guidance are incredibly important elements for our students.
As part of our commitment to providing engaging opportunities to learn key skills, we are holding a Careers Day on 11 May and are looking to invite a range of speakers to share their experiences with our students. The format would be a talk outlining your personal journey to your current role and career followed by a question and answer session with students. Students will be accompanied by their teachers who will facilitate each session.
If you are able to contribute to the day, please respond by completing this form. If you are not available on 11 May but are interested in participating at a later date please leave a comment in the final question box.
We would also welcome further suggestions about outreach opportunities that your company/ employer might offer – these can be shared in your final response.
Thank you to those of you who have already expressed an interest in coming into school to speak with our students.
Mrs Newbury, Head of PSHE
Primary lost property

Please note that all items will be on display outside the Gym after school next week, weather permitting.
If not collected by next Friday, all items will be given to a charity during the Easter holiday.
Please encourage your child(ren) to take a look.
Save the dates: 27 and 28 April 8:30 - 9:00 | Body percussion workshops for adults
After half term, all students at GES Primary and Secondary have a particular treat waiting for them!
They will enjoy a body percussion workshop with Alua Nascimento, former cast member of the internationally-acclaimed, multi-award-winning West End show ‘STOMP.’
Alua is part of a UK based company, Beat Goes On, today and enjoys sharing his skills with children and adults of all ages.
We are delighted to offer this superb experience also to our GES parents in the form of two adult sessions, which Alua will lead on these dates:
- Wednesday, 27 April 8:30 – 9:00
- Thursday, 28 April 8:30 – 9:00
No need to sign up, if interested just pop along to one (or both!) sessions.
From Ms Shibil, Acting Head of PE and Sport
GES Golf Academy : last days to sign up for Summer term

A reminder that registration for GES Golf Academy is open for the Summer term.
If your child has an interest in learning golf, or may already play golf, please complete this form by next Friday 8 April to let us know of their interest in joining this activity.
WHAT: 1 hour of professional golf coaching
HOW MUCH: 25-30 CHF per session
WHO: Years 5 to 11
WHEN: every Friday from 16:00 – 17:00, starting on Friday 6 May
WHERE: Golf de la Vieille-Bâtie (Rte de la Vieille-Bâtie 50, 1239 Collex-Bossy)
Students need to be transported to the golf club independently where they will meet with Miss Shibil.
Summer Term Rugby club : Registration now open

Year 6 to 8 Rugby club registration is now open for the Summer Term.
If you wish for your child to take part in the GES Rugby club on a Monday 15:45 – 16:45 throughout the Summer term please sign up via this link.
Rugby club happens on the Primary field and transport is provided from GES Secondary. We ask you to collect your children or organise pick up arrangements accordingly from the Primary campus.
The club will resume as per the extra-curricular programme from 2 May.
External outings
Theatre recommendations, From Mrs Ball (Head of Drama and Performing Arts)
For all of our theatre and performance lovers, here is Mrs Ball’s latest recommendations of local theatre productions.
If you would like further information about any of these, you are welcome to email Mrs Ball at [email protected].
Une promenade musicale dans l’univers magique du cirque avec un concert haut en couleurs pour les yeux et les oreilles !
- Orchestre de la Suisse Romande
- Salle Marie Laggé – Boulevard Carl-Vogt 102, 1205 Genève
- On Saturday 9 April 2022 at 10:30 and 16:00
- Details and tickets here
Enter the Oklahoma territory of 1906, beyond the western reaches of the federated United States. Shotgun rides, shotgun weddings, and shotgun justice. No local government, no electricity, no motor cars.
- Simply Theatre Studios, Versoix.
- From Saturday 2 to Sunday 10 April 2022
- Details and tickets here
Journées Européennes des Métiers d'Art - THIS WEEKEND
From leather to stone, and wood to jewellery, this is a great opportunity to meet the passionate crafts masters in the very place of their creation.
Full programme available here.