Geneva English School

Drama & Theatre

Drama & Theatre

Drama and Theatre is a very popular and hugely rewarding course. Although a previous GCSE in Drama is a great springboard, you don’t need a drama qualification to do this course. All you need is enthusiasm and a love of the theatre.

The course inspires students to become independent theatre-makers. It refines your collaborative skills, your analytical thinking and your approach to research. You will develop an appreciation of the influences that cultural and social contexts can have on theatre-making. You will learn to evaluate objectively as you grow in confidence and maturity. You will find that the ideas and skills you learn are applicable to a wide range of higher education subjects and in the workplace.

Course content

Year 12: 

We look at the theatrical processes and practices involved in interpreting and performing theatre. We explore how conventions, forms and techniques are used in drama and in live theatre to create meaning.

We will study in-depth a classic performance text by Shakespeare, Goldoni, Ibsen, Brecht, Williams, Berkoff or Churchill. We will also study a live theatre production.

Year 13:

We will study a live theatre production and continue the exploration of the set play. We will create, develop and perform, a devised original drama and you will be contributing to a text-based drama in a live theatre context for an audience.

Inspirational starting point

“Great theatre is about challenging how we think and encouraging us to fantasise about a world we aspire to.” – Willem Dafoe

Preparation for the course

Above all, try to watch lots of theatre. There are many organisations, such as the National Theatre and The Globe, who stream their productions for free.

Ideally, students should be familiar with the main theatre practitioners, genres and styles of drama studied throughout Key Stages 3 and 4. They should have some experience of exploring play texts. In preparation for performance components, students should practice their physical and vocal skills through learning and performing monologues.

As part of the Making Theatre content, students may choose up to three specialisms: performer, lighting designer, sound designer, set designer, costume designer, puppet designer or director. It would be helpful for you to explore these specialisms in advance of the course.

Future pathways

A Level Drama and Theatre is valued by both universities and drama schools. Alternatively, students may go on to study a range of other subjects at university.

Typical careers directly related to the qualification could be:

  • Actor
  • Broadcast presenter
  • Community arts worker
  • Drama therapist
  • Drama Teacher
  • Theatre director
  • Stage manager

The transferable skills developed throughout the course also enable students to progress into a range of employment in the creative industries, business, hospitality and education.


  • Entrance criteria
  • Exam board & Specification
  • Assessment

Entrance criteria

Exam board & Specification
