A Level
How do I choose my A Level subjects?
Unlike other post-16 programmes of education such as the International Baccalaureate, French Baccalauréat or Swiss Maturité, there are no subject specific requirements for A Levels. This means that you are free to choose the subjects that you enjoy, that interest you the most, and in which you are most likely to succeed. In making your choices, you may be guided by the requirements for certain university degree courses or career paths. We can provide help and advice in making your choices.
How many A Levels do students usually take?
Students normally study three, or sometimes four, A Levels over the course of two years. The A Levels are assessed via a series of examinations and are graded A* – E. University offers are usually based on three A Levels. Alongside their A Levels, students may study other subjects and take other courses (e.g. languages), some of which may be examined.