Geneva English School

Key Stage 4

Key Stage 4 (age 14-16)

During Key Stage 4, students prepare for a combination of GCSE and IGCSE examinations. Before entering KS4, students will be given guidance on selecting appropriate option subjects.

Our core offer ensures that our students have a broad and balanced set of subjects that allow them to gain entry to all college and university courses. Many of the best universities specify that students must have a humanities subject and language qualification for entry.

Compulsory subjects Two options from
English Language Drama
English Literature German
French Spanish
Geography Art and Design
History Computer Science
Mathematics Physical Education
Science* Music

* Students can sit either individual GCSEs in each of the three Science subjects or the Biology, Chemistry & Physics ‘Double Award’ (equivalent to two GCSEs) or ‘Triple Award’ (equivalent to three GCSEs)

Non-examined Subjects
All students also study the following non-examined subjects:

  • Sport and PE
  • PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship and Economic education)

Following the successful completion of GCSE examinations, student can then apply to study A Levels at GES. Students typically study three or four subjects of their choosing. Please note that there are admissions criteria for entry to A Levels.

Explore all subjects and download our GCSE brochure

Upcoming Events

14 Jan
Year 7 Book Look 08:00:00 - 09:00:00
5 Feb
Year 10 Book Look 08:00:00 - 09:00:00
10 Feb
Key Stage 1 Phonics Refresher Session for Parents 08:30:00 - 09:00:00