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Just One Tree Day
Just One Tree Day
JUST ONE Tree is an award-winning non-profit removing CO2 from the atmosphere and reversing biodiversity loss through global reforestation. JUST ONE Tree supports established reforestation companies who plant in areas severely affected by mass deforestation such as Kenya, Madagascar, Haiti & Indonesia. In doing so they have the greatest positive effect on limiting global warming whilst simultaneously alleviating extreme poverty within local communities through the provision of training, agricultural education and sustainable incomes.
GES will be joining JUST ONE Tree initiative on Friday 14 October to demonstrate that an individual’s actions can have a positive impact on the environment. All students will be wearing something green on the day.
Primary pupils are invited to bring in 1 CHF to fund the planting of their tree. JUST ONE Tree makes it simple for everyone to take collective action on the climate crisis because just 1 CHF plants 1 tree. During the day Primary children will be taking part in activities in their House teams.
Secondary students will have a bake sale at break time and all proceeds will be donated to JUST ONE Tree. Each student in KS3 (Y7-9) will plant either an acorn or a conker in a small pot which they will be able to bring home.
We look forward to counting the number of trees that our school community can plant!